Sap Serial Number Status Esto

2.How to change the serial number status from ECUS ESTO To AVLB manualy? Step 1: Go To – Transaction code: IQ02 and give Material and Serial number. Please give the input based on below screen Step 2: Click “EDIT” Menu and then select “Special serial. If a component has been issued already against a production order and if thesame serial number is provided for a subsequent order the system does the validation. Serial number status should be EQ ESTO and NE (AVLB or INAC or DLFL). If validation fails we get a. Following successful confirmation, the serial numbers obtain the status in the warehouse (ESTO) in the central ERP system. However, in the decentralized WMS, the serial numbers receive the status available (AVLB). If the posting is executed in an HU-managed storage location, the serial numbers also receive the status HU assigned (HUAS). The SAP Fan Club Forums. The status profile attached to the serial number. Using OIBS, select that profile (if there are many) and go to Extras Status Sumulation.

I’ve come to realize that I haven’t talked much about a very important aspect of service management, that’s serial numbers. If you haven’t checked out my SDN post on the serial number profile, I recommend it. It will help you understand this coming post even better. Today I wanted to continue talking about the serial numbers, but today I want to focus on the system status’ you will encounter and what they mean to you. Like everything in SAP, there are a lot of possible status’ out there, but I’m going to concentrate on the common ones you will see, and the some of the headaches you may encounter because of them. Here’s the most common equipment status you’ll encounter:

  • AVLB: This is the easiest one to deal with, but the least informative. This status is pretty much the same as saying I exist, but I don’t know where. If you have the status AVLB, then you use it in scenarios from or to the customer. Typically this status is assigned if you manually (or in mass) create the equipment record and it hasn’t been assigned to anything yet.
  • ECUS: This means that the equipment is at the customer. If this status has been assigned, then you won’t be able to use it for outbound deliveries, or material movements (at least if you have stock checking turned on). The only thing you can do with this status is an inbound delivery or Lock it. You may also see this status combined with EDEL (which means that it is customer owned and on a delivery).
  • ESTO: This means that the equipment is in stock at your facility. it could be any plant or location, but it is now in stock, and you can no longer perform an inbound delivery, but you can do material movements on the serial number and you can do an outbound delivery.
  • EDEL: This means that it is on a delivery. If you have an open delivery that has not been PGI’d or PGR’d, then you will see this status with either ECUS or ESTO (which will tell you if it’s an inbound or outbound delivery). This can be a particularly nasty status. I’ve seen many instances where deletion of a delivery does not always reset this status. (Next post I’ll talk about how to fix things that get messed up).
  • ELOK: This is the same as marking the equipment for deletion. Once you set this status you can’t do anything with the serial number. If you need it, you can unlock it again, but as long as this status exist, the serial might as well NOT exist =)

Sap Serial Number Status Estoppel

I hope this helps explain the status’ a little better on the equipment. Next time I’ll explain how you fix the status when SAP gets “Confused”. ha ha ha.

StatusAs always, thanks for reading and don't forget to check out our SAP Service Management Products at my other company JaveLLin Solutions,
Mike Status

What is Serial Number management in SAP ?

The SAP serial number functionality allow us to managing serialized stock material keeping. SAP Serial number management is mainly focuses on Inventory tracking. Always the material number and serial number combination is unique in system. The SAP serial number component contributes in following business area.

1. Material Management

2. Production Planning

3. Quality Management

4. Sales and distribution

5. Plant Maintenance

1.How to change the serial number status from ECUS EDEL ESTO To AVLB manualy ?

Step 1 : Go To – Transaction code : IQ02 and give Material and serial number. Please give the input based on below screen

Sap Serial Number Status Esto

Step 2 : Click “EDIT” Menu and then select “Special serial no.functions” and click the “Manual Transaction”

Step 3 : Now we will get below POP up, then click the radio button “From Customer” and Press enter

Step 4 : Now status changed into “ESTO”. now Click EDIT button and then select “Special serial no.functions” and click “Manual Transaction”

Step 5 : Now click the Radio button “From Stock” and Press enter.Now the status will be changed to “AVLB”

Step 6 : Now Status changed to “AVLB”, Then SAVE the serial number. Now we have user serial number for receiving the material.


2.How to change the serial number status from ECUS ESTO To AVLB manualy ?

Step 1 : Go To – Transaction code : IQ02 and give Material and Serial number. Please give the input based on below screen

Step 2 : Click “EDIT” Menu and then select “Special serial no.functions” and click the “Manual Transaction”

Step 3 : Now we will get below POP up, then click the radio button “From Customer” and Press enter. ECUS ESTO means, serial number for this material available in customer location.

Step 4 : Now status changed into “ESTO”. Then click EDIT button and then select “Special serial no.functions” and click “Manual Transaction”In Goods issue, we can use only “ESTO” status material.

Step 5 : Now click the Radio button “From Stock” and Press enter.Now the status will be changed to “AVLB”

Sap Serial Number Esto

Step 6 : Now Status changed to “AVLB”, Then SAVE the serial number. Now we have user serial number for receiving the material.