Our Revels Now Are Ended

“Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits, and Are melted into air, into thin air: And like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp’d tow’rs, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, And, like this insubstantial pageant faded. Our Revels Now Are Ended. This week brings the end of our experimental novel-by-e-mail, Reply All.For the past year, three authors in three cities–Washington, New York, and Los Angeles–have. Encores Folger Consort ENCORES: ‘Our Revels Now Are Ended’ performed by Folger Consort (2014) November 6, 2020 By Folger Theatre Folger Public Programs is pleased to present ENCORES, a weekly online series highlighting past performances and recalling the rich history of programming on the historic Folger stage. Our Revels Now Are Ended. Cantabile & Malcolm Martineau. From the Album Lullabyes And Goodbyes November 1, 2005 Start your 30-day free trial of Unlimited to listen to this song plus tens of millions more songs. Exclusive Prime pricing. $0.99 to buy Listen Now Go Unlimited Start your 30-day free trial.

  1. Our Revels Now Are Ended Meaning
  2. Our Revels Now Are Ended Analysis

Didja miss me? As I write this, I’m at anchor, if that’s still the term, in New York harbor, waiting to disembark after a week on this Dome-of-Pleasure cruise ship.
It has been a week of incredible luxury! And the best part is, our fellow passengers: they are not the 1%, they are definitely the great American middle to lower class, who give the impression of having been raptured into this utopia in the clothes they stood up in.

(We did this last year, too, and I’d be happy to share what I wrote up then. Such a trip wouldnt be my choice; I loooove Winter! But my BMD is less enamored of it. )

OTOH: not gonna lie: lo, going first class on a luxury cruise ship sucketh not, neither doth it bite.

God willing, we will be released back onto the mainland in only two hours now—unless someone turns up sick…and the fact that I’m anxious about that possibility shows how our world has been transformed by this new virus.

Our Revels Now Are Ended

We aren’t the same country now as we were only at Christmas, are we? Then, we could hug and kiss, we could travel, we could assemble where we wished, we could eat and drink together with abandon!
Did someone have a cough, maybe a fever? So what? Big deal, ‘tis the season for those minor transitory nuisances!

Do you love anyone whose health is compromised? Do you love anyone so precious to you that her death would make you welcome yours?
I do. My darling sister, undergoing chemo. Modern medicine is “saving” her at the, until recently, acceptable cost of weakening her immune system. That iatrogenic weakness is now in itself a terrifying peril.

Our Revels Now Are Ended Meaning

My impossibly beautiful daughter, who had been scheduled to go to Italy over Spring break. I was so relieved when the University cancelled that trip! But wait: is she really any safer at Harvard, a cosmopolitan community…?

Our Revels Now Are Ended Analysis

How I long to see them, more than ever now that we’ve all received this Memento Mori! But—what if I am one of the asymptomayic carriers of the virus? Even traveling between my region of our country and theirs might prove hazardous. An embrace from me might be deadly.
Farewell the tranquil mind.