Fallout New Vegas Charisma

In Fallout 3 there aren't even half as many speech checks as there are in Fallout: New Vegas, which is much more of an actual RPG than Fallout Oblivion was. Anyway, it all depends on how you play the game. I think people who forego the Charisma stat and all of it's benefits are likely the same ones shooting everyone they meet, but to each their. Charisma is the dump stat of Fallout: New Vegas. It governs your Speech and Barter skills and makes your (already overpowered) companions stronger. At 1 Charisma your companions have 5% more armor and deal 5% more damage, at 10 that rises to 50%. Boone kills most things in one shot either way. Fallout: New Vegas character build guide By Daniel Acaba 03 November 2010 Making your hero in Fallout: New Vegas can be daunting, here's our guide on making everything from snipers to melee only. Fallout: New Vegas. The initial skill is determined as follows: 2 + 2 × Charisma + Luck/2. Example: A starting Charisma and Luck of 5. 2 + 2 × 5 + 5/2 = 15. Barter affects the prices you get when trading with merchants.


Charisma (GURPS) is one of Fallout GURPS advantages. See: Fallout GURPS.


This is the natural ability to impress and lead others. Anyone canacquire a semblance of charisma by good looks, good manners andintelligence - but real charisma works independently of these things,and you either have it or you don't. It affects any reaction roll madeby any intelligent creature. Cost: 5 points for each +1 reaction bonus

— Steve Jackson Games GURPS sources

In Fallout

With the abandonment of GURPS, Charisma (GURPS) was recycled into Charisma.

Acrobatics ·Acting ·Administration ·Area Knowledge ·Armory ·Bard ·Brawling ·Carousing ·Chemistry ·Climbing ·Computer Operations ·Demolition ·Detect Lies ·Diagnosis ·Electronics ·Electronics Operation ·Fast Drawing ·First Aid ·Forgery ·Gambling ·Hand Weapon: Axe/Mace ·Hand Weapon: Axe/Mace 2 ·Hand Weapon: Knife ·Hand Weapon: Knife Throwing ·Hand Weapon: Spear ·Hand Weapon: Spear Throwing ·Holdout ·Influence Skills: Diplomacy ·Influence Skills: Fast-Talk ·Influence Skills: Intimidation ·Influence Skills: Savoir-Faire ·Influence Skills: Sex Appeal ·Jumping ·Karate ·Leadership ·Lockpicking ·Mechanic ·Merchant ·Missile Weapon: Beam Weapons ·Missile Weapon: Gunner ·Missile Weapon: Guns ·Naturalist ·Physician ·Pickpocket ·Poisons ·Prospector ·Research ·Running ·Sleight of Hand ·Speed-Load ·Stealth ·Survival ·Tactics ·Throwing ·Tracking ·Traps
AdvantagesAcute Hearing ·Acute Taste/Smell ·Acute Vision ·Alertness ·Ambidexterity ·Charisma ·Combat Reflexes ·Common Sense ·Danger Sense ·Eideric Memory ·Empathy ·Handsome ·High Pain Threshold ·Intuition ·Literacy ·Lucky ·Night Vision ·Peripheral Vision ·Rapid Healing ·Strong Will ·Toughness ·Voice
DisadvantagesBad Breath ·Bad Temper ·Berserker ·Bloodlust ·Code of Honor ·Colorblindness ·Combat Paralysis ·Compulsive Lying ·Delusions ·Dulled Nose ·Gullibility ·Hard of Hearing ·Honesty ·Lecherousness ·Low Pain Threshold ·Nose Picking ·One Eye ·Overweight ·Pacifism ·Phobias ·Sense of Duty ·Skinny ·Stuttering ·Truthfulness ·Ugly ·Unluckiness ·Weak Will
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Charisma Implant
Fallout: New Vegas
Requirements4000 caps
Effects+1 to Charisma
base id0014c130

Your prefrontal cortex has been enhanced with the Empathy Synthesizer, increasing your Charisma by 1.

Fallout 76 charisma boost

Charisma Implant is a Fallout: New Vegasperk.


The Empathy Synthesizer can be bought from Doctor Usanagi at the New Vegas Medical Clinic for 4000 caps.


The Empathy Synthesizer gets implanted in the user's brain where it will allow the user to pick up on other's body language and signals more easily.[1] It increases your base Charisma by one.

See also


  1. 'The Empathy Synthesizer will allow you to more easily pick up on subtle emotions and body language. The price is 4,000 caps.' - Dr. Usanagi

Fallout New Vegas Charisma Intelligence Build

Level 2Black Widow/Lady Killer ·Cherchez La Femme/Confirmed Bachelor ·Friend of the Night ·Heave Ho! ·Hunter ·In Shining Armor ·Intense Training ·Junk Rounds ·Light Touch ·Old World Gourmet ·Rapid Reload ·Retention ·Swift Learner
Level 4Cannibal ·Comprehension ·Educated ·Entomologist ·Rad Child ·Run 'n Gun ·Travel Light
Level 6Bloody Mess ·Demolition Expert ·Ferocious Loyalty ·Fortune Finder ·Gunslinger ·Hand Loader ·Lead Belly ·Mad Bomber ·Shotgun Surgeon ·The Professional ·Toughness ·Vigilant Recycler
Level 8Commando ·Cowboy ·Grunt ·Home on the Range ·Living Anatomy ·Pack Rat ·Quick Draw ·Rad Resistance ·Scrounger ·Sneering Imperialist ·Stonewall ·Strong Back ·Super Slam! ·Terrifying Presence ·Tribal Wisdom
Level 10And Stay Back ·Animal Friend ·Fight the Power! ·Finesse ·Here and Now ·Math Wrath ·Miss Fortune ·Mister Sandman ·Mysterious Stranger ·Nerd Rage! ·Night Person ·Plasma Spaz
Level 12Alertness ·Fast Metabolism ·Ghastly Scavenger ·Heavyweight ·Hit the Deck ·Hobbler ·Life Giver ·Long Haul ·Piercing Strike ·Pyromaniac ·Robotics Expert ·Silent Running ·Sniper ·Splash Damage ·Unstoppable Force
Level 14Adamantium Skeleton ·Center of Mass ·Chemist ·Jury Rigging ·Light Step ·Purifier
Level 16Action Boy/Girl ·Better Criticals ·Chem Resistant ·Meltdown ·Tag! ·Weapon Handling
Level 18Computer Whiz ·Concentrated Fire ·Infiltrator ·Paralyzing Palm ·Walker Instinct
Level 20Atomic! ·Explorer ·Eye for Eye ·Grim Reaper's Sprint ·Mile In Their Shoes ·Ninja ·Solar Powered ·Them's Good Eatin'
Level 22Irradiated Beauty ·Laser Commander ·Nuka Chemist ·Spray 'n Pray ·Voracious Reader
Level 24Slayer
Level 26Lessons Learned ·Nerves of Steel ·Tunnel Runner
Level 28Rad Absorption ·Roughin' It
Level 30Burden to Bear ·Implant GRX
Level 36Broad Daylight
Level 40Certified Tech
Level 50Ain't Like That Now ·Just Lucky I'm Alive ·Thought You Died
Companion perksBetter Healing ·Enhanced Sensors ·In My Footsteps ·Quiet As The Waters ·Ravenous Hunger ·Regular Maintenance ·Scribe Assistant ·Search and Mark ·Signal Interference ·Spotter ·Stealth Girl ·The Way of the Canaanite ·Unclean Living ·Well-Stacked Cairns ·Unshakeable Tracker ·Whiskey Rose
Unique companion perksBlood of the Legion ·Bonds of Steel ·Calm Heart ·Camarader-E ·Causeless Rebel ·Elijah's Last Words ·Faithful Protector ·Full Maintenance ·Hand of Vengeance ·Old Vaquero
Challenge and special perksAbominable ·Animal Control ·The Bear-Slayer ·Beautiful Beatdown ·Brainless/Big Brained ·Bug Stomper ·Camel of the Mojave ·Coin Operator ·Day Tripper ·Dead Man's Burden ·Dine and Dash ·Divide Survivor ·DNAgent ·DNAvenger ·Elijah's Ramblings ·Fast Times ·Free Radical ·Friendly Help ·Ghost Hunter ·Heartless/Cardiac Arrest ·Never Axed For This ·Lonesome Road ·Lord Death ·Machine Head ·Marked ·Meat of Champions ·Melee Hacker ·Mutant Massacrer ·Power Armor Training ·Scourge of the East ·Set Lasers for Fun ·Sierra Madre Martini ·Spineless/Reinforced Spine ·Stealth Suit Mk II Perk ·Tough Guy
Implant perksAgility Implant ·Charisma Implant ·Endurance Implant ·Implant C-13 ·Implant M-5 ·Implant Y-3 ·Implant Y-7 ·Intelligence Implant ·Luck Implant ·Monocyte Breeder ·Perception Implant ·Strength Implant ·Sub-Dermal Armor
Unarmed perksKhan Trick ·Legion Assault ·Ranger Takedown ·Scribe Counter
Cut contentCut contentBrain-full ·Child at Heart ·Corpse Finder ·Deathclaw OmeletQuoted verbatim, error appeared in the original source ·Heart-full ·Spicy Casserole ·Spine-full ·Survivalist
Italics denote perks available through add-ons.

Fallout 3 Charisma

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