Best Self Journal Pdf

Do you feel lost? You haven’t been happy in a while and maybe you aren’t exactly sure what actually makes you happy? I have been there. There has been plenty of times where I found myself wondering what I really wanted to do with my life. Today I wanted to share 50 questions to ask yourself, in order to find your best self. I am hoping that after you answer these 50 questions, you’ll know exactly what makes you happy. So let the journey to finding your best self begin!

Self journal pdf

Review of the Best Self Journal, plus three tips how to be more productive and stay motivated everyday. Best Self Journal: P. Creators of the SELF Journal goal setting system and productivity planner. Sign up now to get FREE access the 5 Days to Your Best Self course and discover the evergreen practices that build momentum, unlock your best self, and help make success inevitable. Get FREE 5 Day Course Now. Buy the top productivity tools you need to succeed. Self Journal goal setting system and productivity planner, conversation starters, relationship tools, date night ideas and more. Your free PDF sampler of the Self Journal contains everything you need to set your goals, optimize your day, and become your best self. The Self Journal Getting Started Guide - The 6 Proven Principles behind the journal.

50 Questions to Help You Find Your Best Self

Self journal & personal monogrammed custom leather cover Beautiful 4oz Full-Grain Leather Cover to perfectly compliment your SELF Journal (included). You’ll also receive PDF book on successful people’s morning routines and Productivity Hacks book.

  1. What do I love about my life?
  2. What do I feel like my life is missing and how can I get more of what I need?
  3. Where do I want to be in 5 years?
  4. Who are the people in my life that make me the happiest?
  5. When am I the happiest version of me?
  6. What do I love doing?
  7. What am I afraid to do?
  8. Can I improve on any of my daily habits?
  9. What steps am I taking to reach my goals?
  10. What makes me upset?
  11. How can I add to my happiness?
  12. Am I doing all that I can to reach my goals?
  13. What areas of my life can I improve in?
  14. What are 5 things I love about myself?
  15. What are 3 negative mindsets I need to let go of?
  16. What will I accomplish next year?
  17. How can I improve my daily routines?
  18. What is one piece of advice I’d give my future self?
  19. How can I love myself more daily?
  20. What can I do to practice more self care throughout the week?
  21. What are 5 things that make me smile?
  22. What steps can I take to be the most confident version of myself?
  23. How can I show others more love and compassion each day?
  24. Who makes me the happiest?
  25. What is my number one goal for next year?
  26. If I could relive one moment what would it be?
  27. If I could time travel where would I go?
  28. How would I describe a perfect day?
  29. If I could be anything in the world, what would I be?
  30. If I could travel anywhere in the world, where would I go?
  31. How would I describe my ideal life?
  32. What is most important to me?
  33. If I would describe myself, what would I say?
  34. If my friends were to describe me, what would they say?
  35. How can I create more positive habits?
  36. What are 3 things I need to stop doing?
  37. What are 3 positive things I should start doing?
  38. What’s on my mind right now?
  39. What are the top 25 things on my bucket list?
  40. Who inspires me the most and why?
  41. When was the last time I laughed until I cried?
  42. What are 3 things I need to do more of?
  43. What do I forgive myself for?
  44. What am I leaving in the past?
  45. What do I want to take with me into the future?
  46. What am I grateful for?
  47. What do I need more of?
  48. What are my top priorities?
  49. Is there something I need to change that might be holding me back?
  50. What are my goals for next month?

Best Self Co Journal Pdf

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